Get access to the platform without subscriptions

There is no need of subscription to use the UbiBot Platform. Each device comes with the free plan……


March 18, 2021

My device isn’t synchronising with the IoT platform. Why?

Please check the following things: Check that the device is powered on. Press the button and list……


May 12, 2021

What are the typical peak values for the light sensor? And how can I ensure accurate readings?

The device can record light levels from 0 to 83,000 lux. In Europe, a really bright summer day in fu……


May 12, 2021

Two devices in the same area show different temperatures. Why?

Please note: The device may temporarily show inaccurate temperatures during and after initial W……


February 8, 2025

When the device is first powered on, why is the indicator flashing red and green?

A new device always defaults to WiFi setup mode (indicator flashing alternate red and green). This i……


March 18, 2021

Data storage limit

1.Does the device have internal storage? Yes. For WS1, WS1 Pro, GS1, GS2 and AQS1 series, it has ……


April 15, 2024

How to view the data remotely?

All the sensing data is periodically synced to our platform via WiFi according to the interval you s……


March 18, 2021

Sync external probe data

Why can’t I see the external probe data on the charts? The external probe sensor is disabled by d……


March 19, 2021

How to sync data to the platform?

As long as you connect the device to the WiFi network, it will automatically sync data to the platfo……


March 19, 2021

How to change measurement and data sync frequency?

By default, your device will take sensor readings every 5 minutes and will sync these with the IoT P……


March 18, 2021